
Treatment for Low Vision

A diagnosis of low vision comes with a set of adjustments. Many people who live with low vision successfully navigate these adjustments and continue to live fulfilling lives enjoying the friends, family members and activities that keep life meaningful.

Each person is different but developing a plan for navigating with low vision often incorporates several areas.
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Low vision aids, such as magnifiers, telescopes, and special eyeglasses can help to enhance your remaining vision and make it easier to see small prints or objects. The retina specialists at Network Eye can help you find low-vision aids.



There are many ways to make your home and work environment more accessible if you have low vision. For example, you can use large print or high-contrast materials, install brighter light bulbs, and use contrasting colors to make objects and surfaces easier to see. Electronic readers, which have high-contrast, zoomable print, are often helpful for people with low vision.



If you are having difficulty performing everyday tasks due to low vision, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of a family member, friend, or professional caregiver. You can also join a support group or seek counseling to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges and to learn coping strategies.



Occupational therapists and rehabilitation specialists can help to teach new ways of working with both old and new tools. This can include helping you learn to use assistive technology, such as magnifiers and screen readers, as well as adapting your living and working environments to make them more accessible. Our doctors at Network Eye can consult occupational therapy on your behalf if it’s right for you.


By using low vision aids, making your environment more accessible, and seeking support and assistance, you can maintain your independence and live fulfilling life despite the challenges of advanced macular degeneration